Leftover pizza can be better than fresh with this reheating hack!

The Problem of Leftover Pizza
Since there are only two of us in my household, we often have leftover pizza and this ends up being relegated to what we call “emergency freezer pizza”. This is the pizza we freeze in individual slices and pull out to eat when I am too tired or busy and I need a fast meal with no fuss. Over the years, I have become an expert at reheating pizza so that it returns to and sometimes even surpasses its original glory. How is this possible!?! Most people attempt to reheat their pizza either in the microwave or the oven. If you try to reheat your pizza in the microwave, I have no sympathy for you. You take your soggy rubbery pizza and go sit in the corner. You’ve gotten what you deserve. If, on the other hand you’ve done the adult thing and tried to reheat your pizza in the oven, you have run into the problem of overly crispy pizza that both burns and cuts the roof of your mouth.😭
The Ultimate Leftover Pizza Hack
There is a different way my friends—a way that makes it possible to enjoy leftover pizza as much, if not more than fresh pizza. It starts with a magic ingredient that you probably have it in your kitchen right now. Pray tell what is this magic ingredient that makes this incredible feat of culinary science possible. It’s aluminum foil! The problem with reheating pizza is that it either dries out or becomes soggy. Aluminum foil is the key to preventing this. But how?
Simple—when you place a slice of pizza on a baking sheet and cover it tightly with aluminum foil, this allows you to create a moist cooking environment. This prevents the pizza from drying out by trapping its own moisture. Combine a moist cooking environment with high heat and you can resurrect your leftover pizza to the type of crispy on the outside, chewy on the inside, gooey cheese topped goodness you thought was only possible from a fresh pie. Don’t take my word for it. Try it for yourself and you will never look at leftover pizza the same way again.
How to Reheat Pizza Perfectly Every Time
Preheat oven to 425° F.
Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper.
Spray generously with non-stick cooking spray.
Put as many slices of cold pizza (thawed if from frozen) as you want on the baking sheet, spacing at least 1 inch apart.
Spray or brush exposed crust lightly with oil.
Cover sheet pan with aluminum foil crimping edges tightly to the baking sheet, but do not press down onto the top of the pizza or it will stick to the cheese!
Place in the middle of oven for 15-20 minutes or until cheese has remelted and is hot to the touch.
Remove from oven, uncover and enjoy!